Labels:text | screenshot | font OCR: Klingon Software Labs BBS Phone: (215)426-5596 USRobotics 14.4 v42 SFBAJTRV.ZIP = Bajoran Trivia Door v1.0 SFKSLTRV . ARJ = Klingon GENERAL Trivia Door v1.0 SFKLTTRV .ZIP = Klingon LANGUAGE Trivia Door v1.0 SFBAJTRV .DAT = Daily Updated . DAT File for Bajoran Trivia -=* FREE *=- SFKSLTRV . DAT = Daily Updated . DAT File for Klingon General Trivia -=* FREE *=- SFKLTTRV . DAT = Daily Updated . DAT File for Klingon Language Trivia -=* FREE *=- These games are fast paced trivia doors designed to run on any BBS or as a stand alone (DOS prompt ). Has over 500+ trivia questions regarding Klingon culture, Klingon history, Klingon heritage, Klingon language and Ba joran questions. The data files (. DAT) are updated daily for you to download or FReq at no extra cost to you! Our BBS is designed with ...